The movie ADHI PURUSHA has budget of 500 CR but why it is banned you must have thought this that why Adhi purusha is banned. So first little introduction of movie ADHI PURUSHA. This movie tell us the story of RAMAYANA, here Prabhas play the important role of character Lard Ram. Saif Ali Khan play negative role of Ravan. The one and only answer is that this movie has bad VFX/CGI but know the big question is that in budget of 500 CR it has bad VFX/CGI so in this case I can only say that VFX/CGI is not bad only it has some different look like The hairs of Ravan [Saif Ali Khan] are very short and beard is very long. Whereas, Ravan has long hairs and not have beard but have long and straight mostash. And public says that Prabas is not suitable in chracter of Lord Ram what is your point of view tell us in comments and also tell us on which topic or movie you want next blog. Now let's Continue with this blog. Director of Adhi purusha Mr. Om Raut. Says that this movie is not ...